How to remove old ADMX settings from a GPO

When encountering below text in a GPO and you do not have or want to return to the older ADMX files.

Display names for some settings cannot be found. You might able te resolve this issue by updating the .ADM files used by Group Policy Management.

Then this can be simply resolved with below PowerShell command:

Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name "Name-of-GPO-involved" -key "HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\UserProfileManager" -ValueName DeleteRedirectedFolders

The provisioning task is already running on the Machine Catalog

Xendesktop 7.8. Machine Creation Services

Error after an update of the Machine Catalog:



Open Powershell as administrator and find out the running Task ID on the Machine Catalog.

Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*
Get-ProvScheme  | where {$_.IdentityPoolName -eq “Windows 7 TEST MCS_NFS”}

Next step is to find on one which Host the task is initiated. With that information we can stop the task. Write also the ProvisioningSchemeUid  down for later.


Get-ProvTask | where {$_.TaskId -eq “<TASKID>”}
Stop-ProvTask –TaskId <TASKID> –AdminAddress <HOST>

The last step is unlocking the ProvisioningSchemeUid:

Unlock-ProvScheme -ProvisioningSchemeUid “<ProvisioningSchemeUid>”

Now you can re-execute an update on the Machine Catalog.

VDA Upgrade from 7.7 to 7.9 failed

Error during upgrade of a Virtual Delivery Agent 7.7 to 7.9



12:34:20.7876 PROC  : XenDesktopSetup:InstallComponent: Entry, component name = ‘ICA for Remote Desktop Services’
12:34:20.7876       : XenDesktopSetup:InstallComponent: About to install component ‘ICA for Remote Desktop Services’
12:34:20.7876       : XenDesktopSetup:VerifyCDRoot: Found MediaID file at ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\Ctx-62BBF82E-12D0-4A89-AE71-025FE01BB2A8\Extract\Image-Full\x64’
12:34:20.7876       : XenDesktopSetup:VerifyCDRoot: Found MediaID file at ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\Ctx-62BBF82E-12D0-4A89-AE71-025FE01BB2A8\Extract\Image-Full\x64’
12:34:20.7876       : XenDesktopSetup:Media found, Continuing.
12:34:20.7876       : XenDesktopSetup:CheckRegKeyExists: RegKey SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent\NeedsUpgrading: Opened Registry Key successfully.
12:34:20.7886       : XenDesktopSetup:SetRegValue: Registry value 1 set successfully SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent\NeedsUpgrading ICA for Remote Desktop Services
12:34:20.7886       : XenDesktopSetup:About to install MSI File ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\Ctx-62BBF82E-12D0-4A89-AE71-025FE01BB2A8\Extract\Image-Full\x64\Virtual Desktop Components\TS\IcaTS_x64.msi’ using params ‘INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\Citrix” ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=”1″ MSIFASTINSTALL=”1″ MSIRMSHUTDOWN=”2″‘ log file is ‘C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Temp\Citrix\XenDesktop Installer\MSI Log Files\IcaTS_x64919320586.txt’
12:34:20.7886       : XenDesktopSetup:Starting synchronous process ‘msiexec’ with args ‘/i “C:\Windows\TEMP\Ctx-62BBF82E-12D0-4A89-AE71-025FE01BB2A8\Extract\Image-Full\x64\Virtual Desktop Components\TS\IcaTS_x64.msi” /lv “C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Temp\Citrix\XenDesktop Installer\MSI Log Files\IcaTS_x64919320586.txt” /quiet INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\Citrix” ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=”1″ MSIFASTINSTALL=”1″ MSIRMSHUTDOWN=”2″ CLOUD=False REBOOT=ReallySuppress’
12:35:27.5839       : XenDesktopSetup:Process completed with error code 1603
12:35:27.5849 $ERR$ : XenDesktopSetup:Installation of MSI File ‘IcaTS_x64.msi’ failed with code ‘InstallFailure’ (1603).
12:35:27.5849 $ERR$ : XenDesktopSetup:InstallComponent: Failed to install component ‘ICA for Remote Desktop Services’. Installation of MSI File ‘IcaTS_x64.msi’ failed with code ‘InstallFailure’ (1603).
12:35:27.5859 $ERR$ : XenDesktopSetup:Recording installation failure. Installation of MSI File ‘IcaTS_x64.msi’ failed with code ‘InstallFailure’ (1603).
12:35:27.5859 PROC  : XenDesktopSetup:InstallComponent: Exit
12:35:27.5859       : XenDesktopSetup:Install tasks for this session have finished.
12:35:27.5859       : XenDesktopSetup:Installation failed
12:35:27.7759       : XenDesktopSetup:InstallationManager returned Failed


Manual .MSI install attempt:





VDI screen saver not working

Citrix XenDesktop 7.6.300 environment.

Configured GPO:



Screen Saver not kicking in on a Windows 7 VDI.


Check what processes are using the power configuration of the display:

C:\Windows\system32>powercfg requests
[PROCESS] \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Program Files\Citrix\ICAService\GfxMgr.exe

[PROCESS] \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Program Files\Citrix\ICAService\PicaSessionAgent.exe



Added register key to the GPO:




Citrix NetScaler LDAP memberOf Authentication issue (pwdLastSet not found)

I have encountered a problem that the LDAP authentication with memberOf configured was not working and without the memberOf it worked.

Testing with the logging enabled (shell | cd /tmp | cat aaad.debug) gives me a strange line:

/home/build/rs_110_64_24_RTM/usr.src/netscaler/aaad/ldap_drv.c[370]: receive_ldap_user_search_event Binding user… 1 entries

/home/build/rs_110_64_24_RTM/usr.src/netscaler/aaad/ldap_drv.c[395]: receive_ldap_user_search_event User DN= <<CN=citrixtest,OU=TEST USERS,OU=ICT,DC=kbsfrb,DC=local>>

/home/build/rs_110_64_24_RTM/usr.src/netscaler/aaad/ldap_drv.c[1334]: check_ad_expired_pass pwdLastSet not found, most likly not AD

The cause of this is that the group “Authenticated Users” is not a member of the Group “Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access”. After adding the Authenticated Users to this group, the memberOf worked.


Warning: These files can’t be opened CtxMTHost.exe

When opening an application through Citrix StoreFront you get the warning:

These files can’t be opened
Your internet security settings prevented one or more files from being opened.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\system32\CtxMTHost.exe



On the Session Hosts that hosts the application, open regedit and load the NTUSSER.DAT hive of the default user:


When navigating to the key Computer\HKLM\<loaded hive>\Software\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root\ProtectedRoots, the sub key Certificates is not visible.


Take over Owner rights of the ProtectedRoots and grant Authenticated Users Full Control. Afterwards put back the Owner to SYSTEM.

The sub key Certificates will now be visible and the error will be gone.